Monday, 3 December 2012

Full Thrust

Adam, Mark and Me went down to the club on a Sunday and played a Full Thrust game.

We all used 2000 points each.
Adam - NAC
Mark - NAC
Myself - Japanese

The game kicked off with mark and me engaging quite quickly whilst Adam flew to the battle.

It was a hard fought game, with Adam coming in and finishing off both Mark and my fleets (what little was left!)

 Adam's fleet

 Japanese Fleet (Mine)

 Mark's big ships


THe Japanese fleets last desperate acts against the 2 NAC fleets - IT DIDN'T WORK!!!

Black Powder Campaign

Gary and me took part in the first game of the Black powder campaign we could make.
It is week 14 and I have taken command of the Portuguese.

On this occasion I helped the Spanish commander in his game and Gary took on the French opposite.

In another room, the British were also fighting in the same campaign.

The Spanish Left - my troops
 The Spanish Right

 Ftrench Right - Gary's troops

 French Left

The game went well for the Spanish, they held the river, destroying the bridge.
Only 1 ford was found, but the Spanish held and then pushed them back thanks to some good close range artillery.

 Holding them back.

 The artillery deals the damage.

The battle ended with both sides on either side of the river. The battle was declared a draw with the Spanish losing 3 to the French 1 (some great long range artillery fire).

The British held the French and despite taking heavy loses, the British were declared winners.

 Thr British Right under pressure.

They came on in the same old way and we beat them in the same old way!