Tuesday, 26 February 2013

40K Game December 2012

This game was a 2000 point affair.
Adam (Tau) and Myself (Dark Eldar) against Mark (Chaos Marines and Tyranid).

The table was set and Mark got to choose sides, picking the best cover - SET UP

The armies advanced and by turn 3 the Daemon Prince had charged the Stealth team, with the Wyches and Genestealers getting ready to get to grips - TURN 3

Turn 5 saw the Daemon Prince STILL in contact with a determined Stealth Team. The Wyches had all died but Hesperex had killed a Tyrannofex and was facing the Hive Tyrant. - TURN 5

 The game was close but on victory points Mark won 5 - 3.
For the Allies, Heaperex was 'man' of the match with a dead Tyrannofex and Hive Tyrant in her sights! A close second would have to be the Steakth team fighting  Daemon Prince all game!

For Chaos I would think the Genestealers for making short work of the Wyches and in second the deep striking reinforcements of Raptors who kept the Archon and Wraithlord from the main battle.

Some other pics of the game.