Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sunday 18th August 2013

Mark fielded a combined Chaos/Tyranid army.
Adam and me used Ork/Eldar.

Some interesting combinations, but was a good game. The Eldar/Orks managed a close win and Illic performed well in his first battle.


Other pics -

 Adams scratch built 'Grot Wing' performed well also on its first flight

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Sunday 30th June 2013

Black Powder 25mm
First outing for my increasing 25mm Black Powder figures.
Adam took the allies and Mark the French

The British Army -
4 Commanders
1 Foot Bty, 1 Horse Bty
Cavalry -
1 unit KGL Hussars
Infantry -
1 unit Light
1 unit Highlanders
1 small unit Rifles
2 tiny units Rifles
4 units Line

The French Army
4 Commanders
1 Foot Bty, 1 Horse Bty
1 unit Hussars
2 units Light
5 units Line

The battle field

Game was a close affair with both cavalry units suffering from Rifles (French) and trying a frontal charge (KGL).

The British advanced on the right but fell back after trying to take the farmhouse. The French lights advanced on their right and fell back from the British lights and rifles.
It was a good fight and honours were even at the end of the day.

Finally, my favourite pics - The British line with Rifles deployed ahead and a thin red line defends the hedge row!

May 18th 2013

1st Campaign battle of the Portuguese Army

The Napoleonic campaign was into its 18th week when the Portuguese army got into its first action.

The Portugese deployed facing the French across the river, behind the French where deployed the Anglo-Spanish army - The French were trapped!!!!

The battle went well for the allies, especially after the other Portuguese column had found a ford across the flanking river. The Anglo-Spanish forces pressed the French and once the side column started to cross, the main Portuguese army advanced.


Thr French panicked (in my eyes anyway!) and started to retreat North from between the closing vice.
If only the Portuguese 2nd Column had crossed earlier! The allies won on a casulty count and help the field. The Portuguese came away unscathed!


Friday, 4 October 2013

Napoleonic 40mm Skirmish

Monday 29th April 2013

I took my 40mm Nap's down for their first outing (only had them 5 years!!)

Using 'Sharpe's Skirmish' Rules.

4 Groups of allies - 1 Redcoat, 1 Spanish and 2 Rifles lead by Sharpe and Harper!

Against same number of French Light/Grenadiers


 However, Sharpe and Harper both perished.

Whilst the Spanish spent most of the game skulking in the woods.

The French took the day, holding the bridge.


Good game was had and rules worked well and were quite bloody!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sunday 30th March 2013


Game of WH40K with some unusual sides! Adam and Mark fielded a combined Chaos Marine / Tau / Ork army against my Grey Knights.

Pair of Ork Generals, ready to try and beat their Dad!

Game was on! Orks advanced down their left with a wagon full of boyz, But came a bit unstuck when they jumped out and declared Wahhhh! charging into Grey Knight Terminators - fight lasted 1 turn.

In the centre it was exchanging of fire until a Calledus Assassin jumped out of a unit of Chaos Marines at the same time the Grey Knight Interceptor squad deep striked near to them also.
They turned and quickly killed the assassin, whilst Thraka turned on the interecptors - this fight lasted throughout the game. Whilst the GK Centre was held by a couple of snipers and Dreadnoughts!

After the orks died, the Possessed Marines tried their hand at the GK Terminators - they failed also!

The Tau deployed to their right and advanced down the flank.

My Land Raider with Paladin was sent to counter the threat of the commander. Jumping out of the Raider and charging into the commander! This fight was still on going as the game drew to an end.

Game ended, and victory points counted. A narrow 4 - 3 victory to the rag-tag bunch of chaos and green skins!

Monday 25th February 2013

WWI - trench raid
Lee put together terrain and figures for a WWI Trench Raid game.

I took the attacking Allies and Lee had the defending Germans. I had a couple of tanks as support and started across no-mans land.

Unfortunately, the German artillery proved to be accurate and no tanks made it to the wire.
Without their support the Allied Infantry were cut down - a few French making the trench's lip before falling.
Great game and very enjoyable.

For our second game we switched sides. This time the game was more bloody with 2 tanks making the wire and 1 surviving the artillery to make a difference.

The pics below, don't do it justice. great figures and terrain.

Game On - Sunday 17th Feb 2013

The three of us enjoyed a game of Stargrunt, with Adam and Mark tanking the NAC and me attacking them with Kra'Vak.

The Kra'Vak advanced on a wide front and the NAC deployed to face them.

Both forces deployed for combat and the battle started.

Kra'Vak Sniper didn't perform as well as expected, but even so NAC needed some help.

Soon though with help from the NAC Command. 

The Kra'Vak where down to a last stand in some ruins, these didn't last long and the NAC where victorious, if some what battered.

A good game, with a good set of rules, seldom used.