Sunday 30th March 2013
Game of WH40K with some unusual sides! Adam and Mark fielded a combined Chaos Marine / Tau / Ork army against my Grey Knights.Pair of Ork Generals, ready to try and beat their Dad!
Game was on! Orks advanced down their left with a wagon full of boyz, But came a bit unstuck when they jumped out and declared Wahhhh! charging into Grey Knight Terminators - fight lasted 1 turn.
In the centre it was exchanging of fire until a Calledus Assassin jumped out of a unit of Chaos Marines at the same time the Grey Knight Interceptor squad deep striked near to them also.
They turned and quickly killed the assassin, whilst Thraka turned on the interecptors - this fight lasted throughout the game. Whilst the GK Centre was held by a couple of snipers and Dreadnoughts!
After the orks died, the Possessed Marines tried their hand at the GK Terminators - they failed also!
The Tau deployed to their right and advanced down the flank.
My Land Raider with Paladin was sent to counter the threat of the commander. Jumping out of the Raider and charging into the commander! This fight was still on going as the game drew to an end.
Game ended, and victory points counted. A narrow 4 - 3 victory to the rag-tag bunch of chaos and green skins!
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