Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Sunday 18th October 2014

Two games played again today.

Mark (Marines) and Sam (Tau/Dark Eldar) played a 1500 point WH40K game.

Didn't get to see much of the game, coming from the laughter eminating from their direction it sounded like fun.

I was told that Mark eventually won the game which lasted the maximum 7 turns.

Some pics -

Second game involved, Jeff, Les, Adam and me playing a 4 player SAGA game.

Scenario was a 4 point aside game, winner the one collecting most enemy bodies!
We had played around 13 turns when I remembered it was a 7 turn game!!
Adam won that one.

We decided to play again, properly this time, and some of us tweaked our armies.
Again Adam won, and won big.

Finally Adam and me played scenario 5 (defend the village) not reading the scenario til after we had selected armies. Scenario was supposed to be a secret bid on points needed to defend the village, with lowest number being the defender.
We carried on with 6 points aside and Adam defending - He won again, only just on the final turn (6).

Some pics -

1 comment:

  1. Who reads the rules first, are you a warrior or a monk.
