Sunday 18th Jan 2015
Big 40K game
We played a big game 4000 points of 40k, Mark and Sam V Adam and Me.
Sam used his usual Dark Eldar and Tau, along side Marks Space Marines and Imperial Knights (now 2!!)
Adam used Space Marines and Eldar whilst I used Grey Knights with a Vindicare Assassin (my favourite)
It was a good battle, again using tactical cards - I find they definitely give a flow to the game. My GK Libarian accompanied by Paladins managed to deep strike in front of a Venom, some kabalites and a Talos pain engine - the Kabalites and Pain engine charged, when the dust had cleared (about 3 turns) 2 Knights were still standing and the DE were wiped out. I lost the libarain though giving them slay the Warlord.
On the other side, the DE warlord managed to deep strike and was then shot at by every unit possible taking out most of his escort but the 2++ save helped alot.
A few mistake were made in the rules, mainly we allowed Adam with the Eldar Farseer to use a Psyk power against an Imperial Knight inflicting 2 hits. Not a big mistake BUT my man of the match again the Assassin gave it 5 hits during the game causing it to blow up and as a knock on (again wrong) gave 2 hits to the DE flyer. Then a squad of marines fired everything at it needing 6 to hit and then 6 to glance, causing 1 hit which brought it down.
If we take these losses away the end result after 5 turns was a 3 - 3 draw and a good game. Also gave us more insight into the rules.
Pics -
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